
Life / solo exhibition of colored woodcut prints (2016)

The body of work Life consists of a series of woodcuts representing animals. On the whole, they appear to be fragmented or dismembered. The truth is that there was never an intention to create a violent image but an artistic creation of reduced/abstracted shapes  with additional lines which combine together on a journey between the edges of the paper. Inspired mainly by the forms which were painted on ancient vases, it is an adventure of forms, lines and colour. This work is a continuation of the previous body of work related towns, which is concerned with the same issue but with a diŠerent outcome.

Contemporary Printmaking Art from Athens (2016)

Dedicated to the contemporary printmaking creation, the group exhibition Contemporary Printmaking Art from Athens takes place in collaboration with the Athens School of Fine Arts (supervision: Michalis Arfaras, director of Printmaking).

In particular, more than 50 works will be presented from eight renowned artists who live and work in Athens: Zacharias Arvanitis, Despina Kotalakidou, Kati Mahrt, Konstantinos Papamichalopoulos, Akis Pirounidis, Miltiadis Petalas, Nikos Stavrakantonakis, Florence Christakis.

Duration: Friday, 17 June 2016 – Sunday 18 September 2016 at Herakleidon Museum

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